Branded Session Topics

Men’s Branded Event Theme

Yep! Sometimes I have to share men’s ministry stuff too! I have been asked to help in this area for churches from time to time, so I thought I’d share some men’s event theme ideas for conference sessions. The Session Topics below just give a little direction to make a men’s event cohesive. Any details …

Shattered Mom's Club Bible Series

Shattered Mom’s Club Series

Hello! And great to have you here. I went through my “Shattered Mom’s Series” leading up to Mother’s Day over on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page. It was one I shared on the website back in 2019. I thought I would leave the downloads up for this one as so many of my regular …

Hat Party Event Theme

Hats Off Party Event Theme

I recently shared with you some “hat” topic writing ideas, and I have some followers interested in the “hats” theme, so I thought I would go ahead and reshare that with you today. There really isn’t a whole lot with this one, but I’ll share what I have. This is a great theme for Mother’s …

Hats Christian Writing Ideas

Hat Topic Writing Ideas

I had some writing ideas for “hats” that we wear that I’ve given to you before here. I wrote those originally in regard for Mother’s Day, but I had some other ideas that I fooled around with a bit and didn’t do anything with so I typed them up for you. You can pick those …

Cowgirl Party Ideas

Western Event Party Theme

I’ve been asked a few times recently about my Branded Party Theme, so I thought I’d repost that for you today as a Western theme. This is one of my older event themes but I have updated it as much as I can for you. Yesterday I posted some writing ideas to go along with …

Wester Christian Writing Ideas

Western Topic Writing Ideas

I have some writing ideas for you today on a Western topic. I’ve been asked a few times for my western women’s ministry theme, so I thought I’d share some writing ideas on the topic before I share the theme again. These are ideas to give you a jumping off point to start a devotional …