Delegating in Women's Ministry

Delegating Areas of Opportunity in Women's Ministry

Julia Bettencourt

September 15, 2007

As a leader, there are some jobs you may never want to delegate in women's ministry, but there are other areas that you can give your women opportunities for service.

This allows the women to use their spiritual gifts for ministry and also frees you up from carrying too much of the load.

If you serve in a larger church with several women's ministry areas, you may need several but the ones listed here are a good basis to start. These jobs are greatly beneficial if you hold monthly ladies meetings.

Service Opportunity Suggestions

Remember, you may need more areas of service or less, depending on your group size and what the focus of your activities and events might be.

1 Secretary

Enlist someone to be in charge of keeping attendance at meetings.

2 Refreshments Coordinator

If you have refreshments, have someone organize that for you.

3 Meeting Hostess

If you don't hold your meetings in homes, then have a hostess for each meeting. Someone who arrives early to greet the ladies coming in, make sure everyone has a chair, and pour coffee.

Give her an apron to wear or make a crafty "hostess" necklace, pin, or bracelet that gets passed on to the next hostess. Be creative and it will incorporate another "fun" aspect to your meetings.

4 Treasurer

You will need someone to keep track of the money that comes in through your Women's Ministry such as from fundraising, and offerings that are taken during meetings, etc.

5 Decorating Coordinator

You may need an actual decorating committee for large events, but if you hold monthly meetings you may want to enlist someone to help you set up for each meeting.

You could have them help with any decorating or setting up chairs, rearranging tables or anything you want to do special for a meeting.

6 Clean Up Crew

At every meeting there will be something to clean up whether it's just straightening chairs or putting things back in order.

7 Door Prize Coordinator

Have someone you can brainstorm with over monthly or event door prizes. Get someone who could be responsible for picking up the items you need and packaging them.

8 Encourager

You may want to do this job yourself if you have a smaller group of ladies. If you have a large group that you need to keep up with, you may want to enlist someone to help you send out cards and make phone calls to the regulars who've missed meetings or to the new ladies within your church that you want to encourage to attend your women's functions.

Copyright ©2007 Julia Bettencourt.

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