I’m sharing another one of my essays in my “Let Freedom Ring” Series. Today we will be delving into the hunger for freedom. I hope you will enjoy!

If you missed any of the other essays from this series, find the links below.
The Cries of Freedom
The Taste of Freedom

The Hunger for Freedom
Julia Bettencourt
Originally posted July 03, 2019
When I wrote this a while back, I was thinking ahead to what we would be doing on July 4th. I began reflecting about us as Americans and our July 4th picnics and all the food people prepare to celebrate Independence Day. All those barbecues we have as families came to mind.

Hungering for a Deeper Freedom
I began thinking about all those July4th barbecues we used to have as a family when our kids were little. Usually, we would just barbecue hamburgers and have all the fixin’s. Of course, we would always do hotdogs too when the kids were little. I have such fond memories of those because my son’s birthday is on the 6th, so it would always be his birthday and a July 4th combination celebration thing.
I started thinking about how when our ancestors and forefathers came to this country and began settling here. They weren’t craving and hungering for food, but for something so much more. That was a deeper freedom. I always think it is so strange that our forefathers hungered for freedom, and we celebrate their independence with food.
Hungering for Freedom Through the Actions of our Forefathers
When we reflect on our earliest history of America, it was all about a hunger for freedom. The people that came here to make their home in America were seeking a new life of opportunity, but also a life of religious freedoms, and a life free from oppressive rule.
You may remember reading about the Boston Tea Party. Did you know that 342 chests of tea were thrown overboard into the water that day? We all know it wasn’t really about tea, but the taxes on that tea from England. The colonists settling here in America wanted no taxation without representation. That tea party was a statement that our forefathers hungered for and desired freedom.

Hungering for Freedom Through the Writings of our Forefathers
I think about all the things that were written about freedom. There are so many American historical documents that all voice a hunger for freedom throughout them. Look at our Declaration of Independence alone! It expresses that hunger for freedom that our forefathers of America had.
Just reading through the words to the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence gives me chills.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Think about just that last line of the Pledge of Allegiance.
…with liberty and justice for all.
Hunger for freedom is still very much a desire of many people in foreign countries that are under oppressive rule and dictatorships. They crave freedom, just like our American ancestors did.
My mind goes to some of those lines that are etched in my brain from having to learn parts of Patrick Henry’s Give Me Liberty or Give me Death speech when I was a kid. Also, when I reflect on the Emancipation Proclamation, it reminds me that the history of America was shaped by people hungering for their freedom.

Hungering for More Than the Rights of Freedom
I think about those seeking purpose in life. They need Christ! They need freedom from sin. Look how people flock to cults, causes, vices, and all kinds of things to fill voids. People are craving and hungering for something!
Hungering to Fill the Void
You see this on social media. People are looking for ways to be hipper, more significant, and more popular. They are looking for more fashionable clothes. They are looking for cooler friends. They are looking for trendier places to eat. They are looking for deeper relationships or even just a relationship. They are looking for more stylish furniture for their homes. They are looking for ways to make their bodies fitter. They are looking for higher paying jobs. They are looking for newer and more inventive ways for this and for that.
Searching, searching, searching. Always searching. Always trying to fill voids.
People have this idea that all these things are going to free them of their own dissatisfaction with their lives.
Hungering for Real Satisfaction
The thing is–only Jesus can satisfy.
“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” John 6:35
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
The fact that people have such a hunger to fill voids is such a reminder to me that I need to show the love of Christ. I need to witness and share my story for Him. I need to let people know there is hope in Jesus. He is the Freedom Giver! He is the only one that can satisfy the soul.
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

If you haven’t read through some of those beautiful American historical documents since you went to grade school, I encourage you to take a look at them. Refresh in your mind how when America was settled there was a great hunger for freedom. As Americans, today we have so many freedoms to be thankful for! The political landscape may not be perfect or what we desire, but we can still be thankful for what American patriots and soldiers have shed their blood for where our freedoms are concerned.

You can find the major American historical documents over on the history.org website. Please take the time to read through some of them.
Did any of you have to memorize any historical documents when you were in school? Leave a comment over on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page.
Have a lovely day,