I haven’t given you any writing topic ideas lately, so I thought I’d do that today, and also I’m getting ready to post the event theme for this topic, so now is a good time to share these.

Okay, as you can see by the title of this post that we are discussing the topic of “pockets”. I’m giving you some ideas to get you started on some devotionals or even blog post topics. You add the meat! Add in your thoughts and any Bible verses to help encourage your points. Do a little praying, pondering, and mull over the ideas for a while and you never know what you may come up with in the end. Have fun and enjoy the writing process!
You will be able to download the writing starters at the end of the post.
“Pockets” Writing Ideas
Deep Pockets
You might not have a lot of money in your pockets, but all of us have treasures we can share. What about volunteering our time for good deeds and good causes? What about giving our talents and skills to a good cause? What about digging down deep and giving forgiveness when it’s needed? What about digging down deep and showing kindness when it is hard to do?
How deep are your pockets?
Ephesians 4:32
Lining Your Pockets
What treasure are you laying up? What is important to you? Are you making good decisions when investing in your eternal future?
Will you leave a good reputation behind? What will be your legacy?
Matthew 6
Money in My Pockets
What are you rich in when it comes to your personal life? Are you rich in kindness? Love? Joy? Forgiveness? Do you easily pull those out of your pocket and have them at the ready? Those things have true value.
Or are your pockets full of anger? Hate? Bad attitudes? Bitterness? Are those the things you have readily available at a moment’s notice and pull them out of your pocket? Those things are less valuable and less likely to make your life rich in friends and peace.
Proverbs 18:24
Out of Pocket
We all have expenditures in life, no matter whether they are monetary or not. What’s costing you your joy? What’s costing you friends? What’s costing you opportunities to do good? Have you been given a blow financially that’s made you bitter? Have you lost a loved one and can’t move on because of grief? Has someone done something or said something to you that defeats your joy?
Life is hard and we all go through storms, but we have to learn to lean on Jesus and move forward or we will only see our expenditures. We will only concentrate on what’s out of pocket. We will only see what we feel has been taken from us.
If we only see the out of pocket, we will never see the value that our life can have and what we can accomplish.
Pocketful of Faith
Concentrate on what just a little bit of faith in your pocket can do! If we carry around just a tiny “grain of mustard seed”, we can move mountains!
Matthew 17:20
Rich Man’s Pockets
Learn from the story of the rich young ruler. What priorities do you put on God and the things of God?
Matthew 19:16-22, Mark 10:17-22, and Luke 18:18-30
What’s In Your Pocket?
What are you trying to hide in your life? Are there secrets that you don’t want anyone to know? God knows it all no matter what you try to hide.
Genesis 3:7-11, Hebrews 4:13, Proverbs 15:3
Thanks for stopping in to visit my blog. I hope you enjoy the writing ideas today and that you will attempt writing a devotional or even an essay. You know you don’t need to write for anyone other than yourself, but writing can bring so much joy, so give it a try!
There are lots of other topics here on the blog that I’ve given you some starters for as well.
Have a lovely day!