Okay, we are finally to the end of of our “Perfecting a Stayed Mind Summary” Series. I’m glad you joined with me.

Have you missed any of the sessions?
Perfecting a Stayed Mind Series
Introduction & Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Session Four

We have reached the end of our Perfecting a Stayed Mind series. I have enjoyed going through each session with you. I needed this series as much as anyone. I do have to really be careful, or my mind can fill with all kinds of things that just shouldn’t be there. Or I overfill it with just all kinds of thoughts that go in all directions. I do a lot of writing, so there are all these ideas for devotionals and books going on at the same time in my head. It’s all those untamed thoughts that just rattle around up there in my brain. And then those anxieties can get to me and really affect my thinking. Emotions tend to play a big part in all of us in how we feel and think and that plays on our mind.
It’s not just bad things that can clutter our mind and make us lose focus either, but it’s just all that activity and stimulation can sometimes make the rest of our body feel worn out so that we can’t function.
Keeping our minds on the Lord can help us rein in and adjust our thinking so that we can breathe just a little more freely.
Let’s go over our theme verse just one more time.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3
As I mentioned in Session 3, I hope you all have memorized this verse if you didn’t already know it. When I am feeling stressed in my mind, this is one of those verses that I have always grasped and recited in my head. It reminds me that I have to focus on the Lord if I ever want any peace.
Let’s review the main points that we have discussed this week through this series. There are four things that we can cling to in order to help us get our minds stayed on the Lord.
Our security is important because it manifests in how we feel safe, secure, and loved. So, all those feelings and emotions regarding our jobs, relationships, finances, and our safety can really affect us.
Next, prayer helps give us our power back. It gives us energy and focus. And thankfully, it gives us a place to give over all of those rollercoaster emotions that we carry around with us. Prayer is that safe place for our minds to rest.
The next thing we covered was to cling to peace. And oh my, do our minds need some peace. To get to that peace though, we are going to have to start decluttering our minds, focusing more, and relaxing more. The effort will be worth it!
The last thing we discussed was joy. And oh, what a wonderful thing joy is to cling to when we need some uplifting in our minds. It’s another one of those things that might need some effort. We have to make room for joy, feed our joy, and we even have to work on having a healthy joy. And most importantly, we have to remember that joy is one of those fruits of the Spirit that we need to bear in our lives.
I hope that you will start clinging to these four things when you start feeling your mind going in the wrong direction. We have to move our focus back to the Lord, and I hope that this series will have helped in some way for you to concentrate on doing that.
Perfecting a stayed mind does require some work as we have discussed during this series, but I hope and pray that we are all up for the challenge.
Are you ready for some free downloads?
Perfecting a Stayed Mind Complete Series (pdf)
Striving for a Healthy Joy (pdf) Correlates with Session #4
Recipes for Joy Bible Verses (pdf) Correlates with Session #4
Feelings Checklist (pdf)
Feelings Reflections (pdf)
If you missed any of the sessions and would rather read the series as blog posts, follow the links below!
Perfecting a Stayed Mind Series Blog Posts
Introduction & Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Session Four
Thanks so much for joining me for this devotional series. I enjoyed going through it with all of you. Be sure to stop over to my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page to let me know you joined in or if you would like to comment on anything concerning this topic.
Have a lovely day,
Remember, if you are being overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts, please talk to a trained health care professional.