Women's Ministry New Book Release Bettencourt

Overview: Women’s Ministry Insights

I’m was a little nervous about putting this one out there in the world for all to read. The last four were devotionals and those are so much different than just writing and sharing my heart on various topics revolving around women’s ministry. Women’s Ministry Insights Book Release Date: March 20, 2020 I know everyone won’t …

Sweet & Fruitful Devotional Collection Series

Overview: Sweet & Fruitful

This is a collection of 21 of my devotionals that I have compiled from some of the devotionals I have shared over the years. They are written to encourage women on their journey to being sweet and fruitful. Sweet & Fruitful: A Devotional Collection for Women Book Release Date:  April 11, 2019 We have to …

Devotional Book by Julia Bettencourt

Overview: Trained & Able

This devotional collection has all of my school related devotionals, those specifically revolving around the Word of God, and also the ones on the topic of prayer that I have written and shared in the past. They have all been neatly packaged up in this collection to help you to train yourself to be able …

Strong and Lovely Book by Julia

Overview: Strong & Lovely

This book contains some of the devotionals that I have written over the years where I encourage Christian woman to be lovely, yet strong.  Some of the titles include, Well Dressed Feet, What’s in Your Purse?, What Not to Wear, Lovely in Silhouette, and others revolving around being a godly woman. Strong & Lovely: Devotional …

Awed and Amazed Devotional Collection

Overview: Awed & Amazed

This was my first book of my devotionals that I compiled to a collection. I grew up mostly in the country and was taught at an early age to love and appreciate all those living critters and creatures around me in nature. My father taught me everything there was to know about gardens and any …

Cozy Christmas Movie List

The Cozy Christmas Movie List

It’s time to change into something comfortable, put on some fuzzy socks, and drag out a cozy warm blanket. It’s time for Christmas movies!! I’ve received a lot of feedback on the Big Inspirational Movie List that I put together (with the help of all you wonderful blog followers!). And again, so many of you …