I love getting letters in the mail. Don’t you? Usually all we get is bill statements and junk mail, but when I see one of those envelopes with some actual scrawled out handwriting with my name on it, I get excited! Oooooh! There is something special about opening up a letter or card, because receiving them isn’t a weekly or even a monthly occurrence. When they arrive in the mail at our house, they are special.

I haven’t yet, but during this shelter in place time, I would like to write out a few letters or maybe some cards for friends, family, and a few ladies I would like to encourage. I didn’t even get Christmas cards sent this past year, so I think this is something I need to do.
Several years ago I shared a list of Christian letter closings on the website. That original one isn’t available any longer, but I did revise it and added about 70 some more closings to that list, which you will be able to download today.
I remember when I was in grade school learning the parts of a letter that this was called a “complimentary close”. I’m not even sure if they teach the parts of a letter in school anymore! But anyway, a complimentary close is basically a way of saying “farewell”.

I know sometimes you may want just a little more than, “sincerely” or not so personal as “love”, to end your letters and cards, so I hope this list will help you all out, especially those of you who are trying to minister from home. Writing letters and cards is such a great way to encourage others in the Lord.
Inspirational Letter Closing Ideas
- Amazing grace will see us through,
- Anchored in Christ,
- Because He lives,
- Because of Calvary,
- Blessings ahead,
- Blessings always,
- Blessings for your journey,
- Blessings,
- Brightest blessings,
- Celebrating Christ,
- Cheerfully in Christ,
- Claiming His promises,
- Confident in Christ,
- Counting my blessings,
- Delighting in Jesus,
- Delighting in the Word,
- Embracing His passion,
- Embracing the faith,
- Fight the good fight,
- Fully relying on God,
- God is good,
- God is good all the time,
- Grace and blessings,
- His grace is sufficient,
- His love endures,
- Holding on to joy,
- Holding to the faith,
- Holding to the good Book,
- Holding you up before our great God,
- Holding you up in my prayers,
- Hugs and prayers,
- In Christ,
- In Christian love,
- In God’s embrace,
- In His care,
- In His grip,
- In His service,
- It is well with my soul,
- Joy for your day,
- Joyfully His,
- Joyfully in Christ,
- Joyfully,
- Keep looking up,
- Keep on keeping on,
- Keep the faith,
- Keeping you in my prayers,
- Leaning on Jesus,
- Leaning on the Rock of Ages,
- Lifting you up in prayer,
- Love and blessings,
- Many blessings,
- May God hug you tight with His love,
- May God lead your path,
- May God lift you up,
- May God richly bless,
- May God surround you with His love,
- May God surround you with His peace,
- May God’s grace abound,
- May the Lord be with you,
- May you be blessed with His strength,
- May your faith shine,
- May your joy be full,
- Only by grace,
- Onward for His glory,
- Praising the God that moves mountains,
- Prayerfully yours,
- Prayerfully,
- Praying God will keep you healthy,
- Redeemed through Christ,
- Redeeming the time,
- Rejoicing in Christ,
- Rejoicing in Hope,
- Rejoicing in what Christ can do,
- Remember that fear is a liar,
- Remembering what God can do,
- Resting in God’s blessings,
- Resting in His care,
- Resting in His promises,
- Resting in His steadfast love,
- Saved by grace,
- Saved to serve,
- Singing His praises,
- Standing on the promises,
- Stay blessed,
- Stay charged,
- Stay courageous,
- Stay encouraged,
- Stay strong,
- Surrounded by His love,
- Taking you to my Lord in prayer daily,
- Thankfully His,
- Thanking God for grace upon grace,
- Thanking God for you,
- Thanking God for your friendship,
- Thanking God for your sunny spirit,
- Thanks for being my sister in Christ,
- Thriving because of His grace,
- Thriving because of His love,
- Trusting faith over fear,
- Trusting God will deliver,
- Trusting God will give you peace,
- Trusting His power,
- Trusting His promises,
- Trusting in His care,
- Trusting the God of the impossible,
- Trusting the God that guides,
- Trusting the God that provides,
- Under His wings,
- Waiting for the trumpet,
- Walking in the Light,
- With thoughts and prayers,
- You are in my prayers,
- Your friend in Christ,
- Your sister in Christ,
As you can see, some of these basically say the same thing, but just are worded differently or rearranged a bit. I know some people like to pick a signature line that they use all the time, but sometimes I like to pick something specific to the situation or to the person I am writing to as to make it more personal. I like choices, so that’s why I have this long list. I hope you will find it useful. Download it below.
If you don’t have any postage stamps and live in the US, you can order them online at the USPS. I always get the Forever ones, just because I don’t use stamps that often, so if postage goes up again (which we know it eventually will), then I want to still be able to use them without adding more postage.
An FYI—the USPS will have some new American Garden Forever stamps soon if there haven’t been delays because of the virus. They are supposed to be coming out sometime in May, and I think they are really pretty. Also there are stores that sell stamps online too, so writing letters and mailing them is something you can do safely from your home.
Thanks for stopping in to the blog. Leave a comment and let me know the last time you received or sent a real letter or card in the mail.
Have a lovely day,
You will find Bible Verses to add to letter writing here.
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