Yesterday I talked about writing devotionals, so I thought I’d finish the week talking about finding your writing voice. It might be the kind of voice you have, but it might not have spoken out loud before. A writing voice has to be coaxed out of some people.

Sometimes it just doesn’t come naturally, but there are some great skills in life that just don’t come naturally when you stop to think about it.
I’m sure there isn’t a writing voice inside of everyone, but sometimes there is that passion to write inside of some people. Maybe they have never written anything before, so they just automatically think they can’t do it.
Writing can have a profound impact on us.
You might not want to write to publish anything, but you may want to write just to pour out your creativity. Writing even just by journaling can be such a stress reliever. There are all kinds of benefits of picking up the habit of writing, whether is it is stories, devotionals, or just journaling of some type. Think about how writing out your blessings into a grateful journal can make you more thankful and give you a different perspective. Even just writing lists will make you more productive. Writing can help you with awareness and perspective, better decision making, and all sorts of things.
As I tried to convey in this post, writing can help you form what you want to share with others in the way God has worked through your life. Think about all those things David wrote in the Psalms. God uses those words to inspire and speak to us from the revealing of David’s heart. And reading through what Paul writes in the New Testament also brings us a little closer to his heart and the things he felt and went through.
Those human experiences across all forms of writing touch us because we can relate. Writing can have a profound impact on us because it can touch our hearts at a deep level.
Start with some writing prompts.
If you have never written anything before, I’d suggest you start with prompts. Prompts are basically topics. They are sometimes in the form of a phrase. Such as…
- The thing I most admire is…
- When I started my day this morning, I felt…
- When I heard the knock at the door, I was…
- What scares me the most is…
You get the idea! I have a blog post with some devotional writing prompts here, but there are writing prompts all over the internet. Get a notebook or journal and just start writing down some things. Or use a word or document program on your computer. Pick a different topic for each day or pick something about your daily life to write about, and basically just record your thoughts.

Hone your writing skills.
I feel that if you are really interested in trying your hand at writing, prompts are the easiest way to get the feel of writing. It doesn’t matter what type of writing you want to concentrate on eventually, prompts can give you the practice that you need. They can help you improve your writing skills and hone your craft.
Some of you might have used those in high school or even in earlier grades. Don’t worry! No one is going to mark what you write all over with red ink and question your use of grammar. But by using prompts, you will be able to see your writing improve every time you take on the challenge of one.
And if you hold on to what you have written through prompts, you can always go back to them later and polish them up into something really worth sharing—perhaps work them into something else you begin writing.
I save everything I write, whether it is good, bad, or downright ugly writing. Later on I might have a little more clarity and be able to do something with it. I have notebooks full of things, and from time to time I do go back and find little tidbits I haven’t used, that I can breathe new life into and squeeze into something else that I’m working on at that moment.
I think the key to writing if you feel it is something you are interested in is just to—start! You will eventually find your writing voice or you will find out if you have one or not.
I’ll leave some of the things I have on writing for you to check out below.
Christian Writing Helps
Here are some writer websites I enjoy visiting when I have the time.
See the Writing Tips and Prompts for more writing help.
Thanks for stopping by the blog. I get questions about writing and how to just get started all the time, so I hope this helps you a little. Let me know if you try any of the devotional writing prompts or start writing in any way. I’d love for you to share your experience with writing through a comment.
Have a lovely day,
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