Journaling for Women's Ministry Leaders

Areas of Writing

in women's ministry

Julia Bettencourt

November 12, 2017 Originally entitled, Writing Methods in Women's Ministry

Learning to write in different areas will help you immensely as a women's ministry leader. You don't need to write as an author or anything like that but you have to learn that the pen is mightier than the sword!

Writing in Women's Ministry

There are various ways you may end up writing.


You will need to learn to make notes and jot things down. You will have to make yourself reminders and such. You may want to jot down ideas or even the highlights from a women's meeting. I use a lot of sticky notes. They help me remember until I have time to type up my notes or put my notes down in a more permanent place.


If you are a women's ministry leader, then chances are that you will be put in the position to share a devotional or challenge at a meeting, activity, or event somewhere along the line. There are lots of devotionals and outlines out there in Christian literature that you can use, but I'd suggest that you learn how to write a devotional on your own. After all, our teaching other women should entail teaching what we know, and what better way to do that than by sharing a devotional or challenge with your women. When it's personal, then sometimes it resonates more with our women.

I suggest buying a spiral notebook to keep devotional ideas in, and then when you have time, you can make them into outlines and form cohesive lessons or devotions with your notes. See How to Develop a Devotional here. And find more help here. There are also many Devotional Writing Prompts here.

Testimonial Writing

As a leader, especially a women's ministry leader, your women will be more apt to relate to you more if they know your story. Share your Salvation story. Share how you met Christ. Share what made you want to become a women's leader. Share your testimony and your heart. That all begins by writing it out on paper (or computer).


You may be called upon to write actual letters for snail mail or for emails. See more about that on the Letter and Card Writing help page here.


Thank yous and greeting cards of some sort are usually part of the arsenal of a women's ministry toolkit. See more on Letter and Card Writing help page here.


You may have group texts for your women's groups or hear from them individually at some point, so know how to text properly and concisely. Know texting etiquette.

Social Media

You may end up having social media accounts for your women's group. Be sure to know how to make posts that engage your ladies and also how to answer comments with kindness and professionalism.

Find Social Media Engaement Ideas here and download Ways to Vary Have a Good Day here.


You may end up filling out forms and feedback for your pastor and church leadership. Take those things seriously and be specific and concise when filling something like that out for your church. In some churches those little tidbits that your church leadership gets from your answers on a form will go a long way in what the church women's ministry is allotted in future budgets. Don't just dismiss them as busy work.


Your church leadership may require you to keep records for certain statistics such as for attendance at events, decisions made at an event, and other things, so be sure to do that if asked. But really, you should record those type of things anyway. It will help you in not just planning but your prayer effort as well. Also, get a secretary or someone to record minutes at any type of meeting where there is business for the women's ministry program transacted.


Still another area in women's ministry is women's ministry journaling. See ideas for this on the Women's Ministry Leader Journaling help page.

Copyright ©2017 Julia Bettencourt

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