Welcome to the fourth day of my “Let Freedom Ring” Series. Glad you have stopped to ponder on Independence Day with me through my ramblings.

Have you missed any of the essays so far?
The Cries of Freedom
The Taste of Freedom
The Hunger for Freedom

The Fight for Freedom
Julia Bettencourt
Originally posted July 04, 2019
Freedom Fighters!
I think about all of the wars that have come and gone in history. It’s mind boggling to reflect on all of those wars and the bloodshed that just took place in the Old Testament alone. And look at the history of the world! The blood that has been shed in various countries in war time is astounding.
America is only over 240 years old and yet look at all the skirmishes and wars our country has gone through over time.
The thing is, you can’t have the gains of war without the losses of war.

Giving All for a Cause
Let’s just take a minute and look at the Civil War alone. We were brother against brother here in America. In high school I did my final term paper on the Battle of Gettysburg. I found it so interesting that even after that, all through my twenties I read everything I could check out of the library on the topic of the Civil War. I loved reading through the personal accounts of the war and how it affected people. It intrigued me how families were torn apart with some on one side and some on another. I remember some books in particular of just accounts of what people saw during the Civil War. It was heartbreaking.
It seems there is a theme running through all accounts of any American wars that I’ve read about and that is that these people fight for their children. They want their children and the following generations to gain from the loss.
Those people who have fought for freedoms had the foresight of a better America for the future. I am so thankful for those who contributed to my freedoms.

The Fight for American Freedom
Each year at the junior college here, the Rotary Club makes a Field of Honor in dedication to our local fallen heroes in November. It’s on display the week leading up to Veteran’s Day. They place flags on the lawn at the college in honor of veterans, active-duty military, and first responders. It is such a moving experience to walk through there. Many of the flags have tributes written out by them. Such a sight!
I am always so taken aback by the experience of wandering through the hundreds of flags on display. I take my camera and I walk through reading the plaques and tags of tribute that are placed on many of the flag poles.
Sometimes at the Field of Honor you will see a family standing close to a flag with tears in their eyes. I’m sure they are thinking of a loved one that gave their life. I am filled with gratitude for these men and women who have given their lives for me and my freedom. It just humbles me that these people who don’t even know me fought for my freedom!
I can’t help but think of the fight for freedom that so many have given for our country as we celebrate the Fourth of July. There are many in our country that continue our fight for freedom. There are always more men and women who are willing to step up and serve their country. We are blessed to have those who love their country to give themselves to service, and we should be grateful to them.
The fight for freedom entails dedication, loyalty, and service. It requires training and work. These men and women who decide to serve know freedom isn’t free. They are aware that there is a cost to fighting for freedom. They know they may be thrown into a place where political unrest, skirmishes, and war are possibilities.

The Fight for the Faith
We have a fight as Christians too. We have to be vigilant to fight for the faith. We have to train ourselves in God’s Word. We have to be busy about serving Christ by telling others of His plan of Salvation.
Think of all those who fought for Christianity with their lives. Remember Stephen’s story in Acts chapters 6 and 7? He was stoned to death for his faith. Down through history many others were martyrs for Christianity. Even today in parts of the world there are Christians who are being persecuted for their faith.
We have just got to keep on going and keep fighting for the faith. We have to keep on doing what is right. And we need to pray for our missionaries and those who are in places where they can’t openly worship Christ.
I’m reminded of what Paul tells Timothy.
“Fight the good fight of faith ...” 1 Timothy 6:12 (KJV)

I am indeed grateful for every July 4th, and for those men and women who have fought in the past and those who still fight for freedom for my country. I’m also thankful for those Christians who willingly fight for the faith.

Is there anything special you do to observe July 4th with your family and friends? Leave a comment over on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page. I’ll leave one more essay on freedom here on the blog tomorrow.
Have a lovely day!