Free Christian Inspirational Images

Inspirational Image Index

I’ve had a lot of questions from women’s ministry leaders concerning my images on Facebook that I make to encourage my followers as to whether you can take them from my feed and use them to encourage your own group of ladies. I don’t mind if you do that, but I do still have a …

Home state Candy Package Idea

Home State Small Gift Idea

I did little mini packages with Hershey’s Nuggets the other day, so I thought I’d share another little easy small candy gift while I had my Kraft paper out. It’s another, hey, let’s wrap the candy like a package project. This time we use larger chunky candy using state scrapbooking stickers and a little twine. …

Bible Memory Valentine's Challenge

Valentine’s Memory Challenge 2022

Just a quick announcement for you today. I had said I wasn’t going to do a Bible Memory Challenge this year. I was planning on a foot surgery in January and didn’t think I would be up to doing the Challenge with you. But now that will be the end of February, so I have …

Kite Party Event Theme

Kite Party Event Theme

I loved flying kites when I was a kid. We would take them out in the country fields and fly them. It was always so much fun, although I’m not sure I really never got the hang of it too well. Mine seemed to either get tangled up with my brothers and sister or just …

Valentine's Party Ideas

Valentine’s Day Party Themes

I have fond memories of making those cut out hearts and decorating little shoeboxes for Valentine’s mailboxes when I was in grade school. And thinking about the love that Jesus gave us around Valentine’s Day warms my heart, so I love a good Valentine’s Day party! I have all the party/event themes that I think …

Valentine's Party Ideas

Conversation Party Theme Ideas

I wrote this theme originally for Valentine’s Day, but you could really use it any time of year and just skip the Valentine’s emphasis. Love and conversation are so appropriate at any time and sharing our stories in conversation about Jesus to family and friends truly should happen all year round.