Movie Night Devotional

Movie Night Devotional

Yesterday I posted 20 Movie Night Questions, and today I’l be posting a devotional to go along with Movie Night. Be sure to stop back in tomorrow, and I’ll have a whole event theme of Movie Night ideas for you. I personally love Movie Nights. And yes! I did just capitalize it because to me …

Movie Night Game Questions

Movie Night Discussion Questions

One of the most requested things that my visitors want for the website is a movie night theme, which I have never done. So, I thought with so many of us having family movie nights at home, virtual movie nights with friends, and some even planning real-time movie nights for the fall, now might be …

Christian Women's Article on Words

Planting Words in Due Season

Whether writing or speaking them, words can have such a huge impact on people. Our words have the ability to evoke emotions on all types of levels in other people, so we have to be careful in what we say and also in what we write for other people to read. I got to thinking …

Christian Blog Post Writing Ideas

Blog Post Ideas for Encouragement

Just sharing some ideas today for some blog posts, devotionals, or they can even be used for social media posts to encourage people during this Covid 19 time. I know there is an end in sight, but some of us are getting just a little weary. I’ve had a lot of my women’s leader followers …

How to Write Women's Devotionals

Writing Devotionals

I recently had some of my website followers tell me that during this Shelter in Place time that they are making their first attempts at writing devotionals. I think that is so fantastic. If you are just starting with writing devotionals, I’m talking a little about that today, and sharing a download for an article …

Ladies Retreat Themes Women's Ministry Ideas

Event Theme Planning

If there is an older theme of mine that you can’t find and are looking for, just leave a comment on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page, and I’ll try to find it for you. Although I do a lot of things for women’s ministry, many of my website visitors are not here for the …