2022 New Year Slogans

35 New Year Slogans 2022

I know! I know! I went from posting very little to a lot! It’s just because I’ve been on the computer typing up some of my writing and working on my books. For breaks I have been working on some of the event themes to share with you and also as you can tell, I’ve …

Grateful at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Writing Ideas

I wanted to give you some writing ideas for Thanksgiving, but just hadn’t had the chance. I was thinking about it though and began thinking about all the things God gives us that we can be grateful for this Thanksgiving. I believe any of these things would be good topics to study and write about …

Winter Writing Prompts for Christians

Winter Writing Prompts

I’m working on some of those winter event themes to share with you, so I thought I’d give you some of the writing ideas for devotionals and articles that I added into some of those. Hopefully I will have the winter themes up by Monday of next week, but today we are starting with some …

Christian Women's Writing Prompts

Feminine Christian Writing Prompts

I hope you are ready to do some writing! I have been working on revamping some of the women’s ministry themes and so I have you some new devotional writing prompts/starters for some of them. All of these ones are on the feminine and “girly” side for those get-togethers with the gals. And sure! My …

Christian Writing Voice Blog Article

Find Your Christian Writing Voice

Yesterday I talked about writing devotionals, so I thought I’d finish the week talking about finding your writing voice. It might be the kind of voice you have, but it might not have spoken out loud before. A writing voice has to be coaxed out of some people. Sometimes it just doesn’t come naturally, but …

Complimentary Closings for Letters Article

Letter Writing Inspirational Closures

I love getting letters in the mail. Don’t you? Usually all we get is bill statements and junk mail, but when I see one of those envelopes with some actual scrawled out handwriting with my name on it, I get excited! Oooooh! There is something special about opening up a letter or card, because receiving …