My next devotional book, More Love Please, is here! I set my official release date as Tuesday, January 11, but you can actually purchase it as of today. This one is all about love! Love from Christ and love to others are the two important aspects in this collection of devotions.

I wrote these devotions over a span of several years. Most were written for Valentine’s Day related women’s ministry events. I have also included some from my 2020 Bible Memory Challenge, “Loving When It’s Difficult” and my 2021 Bible Memory Challenge, “Loving to Tell Our Story”.

What’s inside this book?
There is a “Look Inside” on Amazon, but it only shows the first “contents” page and not the second one, so I’ve made a file where you can see all the titles inside this collection here (pdf).
There is a total of 33 devotions in this More Love Please Devotional Collection.
Some of my website visitors favorites are contained in the collection, such as “Conversation Hearts”, “Please, Mr. Postman” and “The Envelope, Please”.

Love is such a powerful topic because love can work wonders in our lives, whether we are accepting love or giving love away. Both have the ability to affect us in dynamic ways.
Where to purchase this book
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Thanks so much for all of you who faithfully support me and my books. I started my website back in April of 2001, so I know many of you have been following me for around two decades and have supported me from the beginning in whatever path I’ve taken. Thank you!!!
A Party is Coming!
My Online Book Launch Party for this book will be on Saturday, January 15, here on the blog, and you will be able to pick up a few fun downloads that go along with the topic of this book. If you missed the last one, my Christmas collection, MERRY, there are still goodies from that party you can pick up and file away till next Christmas here.
Have a lovely day,