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New Book! Let Your Faith Sail: 62 Day Devotional
This new paperback book contains 62 devotions to encourage you on your journey of life. Each day there is a small devotion, verse for the day, and a “Ship’s Diary” for you to answer one or more questions concerning the topic for the day.
Starting a Christian life is easy. Staying on course and navigating the choppy waters and whirlpools that come along, well, that is certainly the hard part! Life is a journey, and the Christian life is sometimes hard to navigate here in this world, but the Lord wants you to LET YOUR FAITH SAIL! He is always there to guide and lead us.
Sometimes it’s just navigating life daily and getting the right perspective about it that helps us sail along. Our life journey is a step by step and a day by day thing.
What’s inside this book?
Most of my devotional books are collections of past devotions that I’ve written over the last 20 plus years with just some new ones sprinkled in, but this new book, Let Your Faith Sail, has all new never published before devotions for you.
Each daily devotion in this book has a nautical themed title with something relating to our voyage of life to help us maintain some smooth sailing.
Some of the titles are, “Shipwrecked”, “There Will be Pirates”, “Sharks in the Water”, “In the Doldrums”, “Uncharted Waters”, “Ready the Gangplank”, and more! Find all of the 62 daily titles at the link below.
You’re invited to an Online Launch Party!
The new book is already live on Amazon for sale, but I will be having an Online Book Launch Party here on the blog on Friday, October 7th. Please stop by! As always, there will be some fun party favors for you to download.
A big thanks to those of you who have already purchased the book and those that support my writing. I appreciate that so much!
Have a lovely day,
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You can purchase my new book at the link below.