This was my first book of my devotionals that I compiled to a collection. I grew up mostly in the country and was taught at an early age to love and appreciate all those living critters and creatures around me in nature. My father taught me everything there was to know about gardens and any type of growing thing that was planted in the dirt.
Awed & Amazed: A Devotional Collection for Women
Book Release Date: September 23, 2018

This devotional collection is full of my thoughts and insights into some of those creatures, critters, and things in nature that I have learned lessons from in my life. I am awed and amazed by their being.

Butterflies flying, ladybugs crawling, flowers blooming, frogs hopping, wind blowing, bees busing, diamonds forming, and much more! This devotional collection will hopefully make you appreciate those amazing things in nature as well. God created a beautiful world!
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