Encourage one another!
I’m sharing some graphics for some of my women’s ministry leader friends today. I know many of you have asked if you could use some of my older inspirational graphics I’ve shared on my CLM Facebook Page during this time when you are trying to encourage each other online through your social media accounts. I don’t mind if you do that, but I’ve made some new ones this week that you can share. Just download, and then use them in your own posts on social media. No need to link back to me on these.

How to Download:
Click on the graphic to open it full size first. Then click right and save to your computer from there. Full size they are 700 by 850 pixels. You can also download all ten of these in a zip file here.
Original photos used on all of these today are from Unsplash.
Terms: Please use these graphics for social sharing only. Do not offer them for download or put these graphics in any type of collections.
I think it is so fantastic that everyone wants to encourage each other during this time. We may have to distance ourselves physically, but it’s great we can still encourage each other.
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)
Thanks for stopping in.
Creative blessings,