Women's Ministry Leader Text Tips

Women’s Ministry Leader Text Tips

I haven’t done any women’s ministry tips in a while, and so I thought today I would cover a topic that has been discussed a little bit in my Facebook Women’s Ministry Exchange Group in the comments on one of our posts. That topic is getting our women in our church groups to respond to …

Women's Ministry Spring Themes

Spring Event Themes

There is nothing like holding a spring event. A newness is in the air. The flowers are blooming. The birds are singing. New life is everywhere. What could be better! Most of these theme concepts contain devotional ideas, favor ideas, simple decorating ideas, and everything you need to springboard plans for your event. Spring Event …

Potato Party Ideas

Potato Event Party Theme

I’ve had some requests for themes to go with food bars. Probably because it’s fall and getting close to Christmas and we all love get-togethers. One that I think is nice to do is a potato bar and building an event around that. Going to leave my Spud-tacular theme ideas with you today. At one …

Christmas Party Game Starters

Christmas Choices Conversation Starters

I recently shared with you some Fall Choices Conversation Starters, so I thought today I would share some for Christmas. Sometimes all we need to get the conversation going is just a simple question of this or that and you will find a flood of likes, dislikes, whys and why nots. It gets people talking! …

Fall Choices Free Download

Fall Choices Conversation Starters

I wanted to share a fall icebreaker for my women’s ministry leaders for meetings, or really you could use this with family around the Thanksgiving table. It’s all about Fall Choices which can be used as conversation starters. I think in the past I had something similar up, but I can’t find it, so I …

Book Launch Nautical Party

Let Your Faith Sail Launch Party

Yay! It’s time for another Online Book Launch Party. Today we are celebrating the release of my newest book, “Let Your Faith Sail”. This is a 62 day daily devotional. This is the first time I have done one of these daily devotionals. The devotions in this book are shorter than my normal ones, and …