Some of these devotional “starters” have been available in the Writing Tips & Prompts on the blog, but I thought I’d move the seasonal and holiday ones and put them together on one page and add in a few more. I always enjoy writing about seasonal and holiday things, especially fall. There is just something …
Devotional Theme Writing Starters
These are on various topics. Grab the ideas and then pray, study, and add your own thoughts and words to make the “starters” into your own devotionals.
Women’s Ministry Material
Hello Everyone! First of all–Happy Fall!! I thought I after such a long break from posting that I would get back to it (at least for a while). It’s been a long break for me and I am getting anxious to start blogging and writing once again. Starting Monday (October 11) I thought I’d begin …
Event Theme Planning
If there is an older theme of mine that you can’t find and are looking for, just leave a comment on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page, and I’ll try to find it for you. Although I do a lot of things for women’s ministry, many of my website visitors are not here for the …