Women's Ministry Material by Julia

Women’s Ministry Material

Hello Everyone! First of all–Happy Fall!! I thought I after such a long break from posting that I would get back to it (at least for a while). It’s been a long break for me and I am getting anxious to start blogging and writing once again. Starting Monday (October 11) I thought I’d begin …

Resources for Book Clubs

Book Club Resources

I’m still making just a few adjustments to my blog because in the near future I won’t be online so much. Just wanted to add a little index page today to some book club resources to leave on the blog. I’m always a big advocate of reading and reading with other people and book clubs …

Cozy Christmas Movie List

The Cozy Christmas Movie List

It’s time to change into something comfortable, put on some fuzzy socks, and drag out a cozy warm blanket. It’s time for Christmas movies!! I’ve received a lot of feedback on the Big Inspirational Movie List that I put together (with the help of all you wonderful blog followers!). And again, so many of you …

Finding Good Inspirational Movies

The Big Inspirational Movie List

I’ve been telling you that I’m bringing you a movie list for some inspirational movies. Well! It’s finally here! Perhaps you will find some gems you have never seen before. Perhaps you will be reminded of an old favorite you have forgotten about. Perhaps you will find something that you and your family and friends …

6 Movie Review Websites

6 Movie Review Websites to Consider

I’m not sure how movies became the theme on the blog lately, but I love the topic of movies, so hey! We are going with it. My big movie list of faith based/inspirational movies is coming soon. Not promising when I’ll post it. I’m doing just a little more research for it first. Today I …

Movie Night Photo Scavenger Hunt

Movie Night Games and Ice Breakers

Okay, I’m still talking Movie Night here on the blog. One thing about movie night is that you have got to make it fun.! Right? Today I’m sharing a couple scavenger hunt games for Movie Night (or day). These will include some movie props to find.