Yes!, I’m sharing more book related ideas! Today I have a couple things for you to use in either a book club or a book related activity, such as a book themed party. I have pdf downloads for each.

First of all, I have some discussion questions that you can use when everyone is reading a particular book such as for a book club. Depending on your format, take one or several questions to ask about the book that your group is reading. This is more for guided discussion.
Book Discussion Questions
- How did this book make you feel emotionally? (happy, sad, disturbed, etc.)
- Did you associate/relate closely to any of the characters? (Why or why not?)
- Did this book pull you right in to the story or did you have to warm up to it first?
- Which main characters did you like the most? (why?)
- Which characters did you dislike the most? (why?)
- Do you think the plot of this book was well thought out?
- Do you have a favorite quote or line from this book?
- Did you like the ending to this book? (If not, how would have you changed it?)
- Do you think there is a moral to this book or something that it is trying to convey overall?
- Do you think this book will change your life? (why or why not?)
- What are your feelings on the author of this book?
- Are you likely to read another book by this author?

Next, I have book related discussion starter questions. I have placed them in a pdf using a little space between each question, so that you can cut them apart and use as table talk questions.
Book Discussion Table Talk
- What is your favorite book? (other than the Bible)
- What was your favorite book when you were a child?
- Who is your favorite author?
- What is the longest (thickest) book you’ve ever read?
- How many books on average do you read in a year?
- Of those that don’t read much, why not?
- Are you part of or have you ever been part of a book club? (online or off)
- When is the last time you went to the library?
- When is the last time you went to a book store?
- When is the last time you gave a book review?
- Where is your favorite place to read?
- What genre of books is your favorite?
- What book has influenced your life the most? (other than the Bible)
- What book bored you the most?
- What book did you find the most inspiring?
- What book did you find the most challenging to read? (why?)
- What is your favorite character from a book?
- What is your favorite fantasy world /alternate reality in a book?
- What is the best movie adaptation of a book that you have ever seen?
- What is the next book on your list to read?

The Arch Nemesis Book on my Shelf
Thanks for coming with me on this little book related journey this week. Here’s a question for you to answer from one of these lists.
What was the most challenging book for you to read? And why?
Leave a comment with your answer.
Me? The Hobbit. I was determined to read all of J.R.R. Tolkien’s books because I love to be taken away to another place and time, especially those made-up places. But wow! This is the most difficult book to read. I’m still not entirely finished reading it. I have picked it up off and on over several years and still haven’t finished it. Yeah! It’s my arch nemesis book!
The Hobbit and I go way back. Ha-ha! We keep trying to get re-acquainted. I know I’ll love the story that is hidden deep in there, and yet, getting to it is so hard. It’s not even a relatively long book. The edition I have is what I’d call medium size print and just at 300 pages.
Such long sentences! Such an amazing amount of commas! The paragraph structure has much to be desired. Some of the paragraphs are a few pages long! If ever there was anyone who needed Grammarly–it was Mr. Tolkien.
Anyway, I have come to realize that I have to go with the movies on Tolkien. Usually the movie is never as good as the book, but in this case I have to admit the movie is much better than the book, or at least of what I’ve finished reading of the The Hobbit.
Leave a comment and let’s talk books.
Have a lovely day,
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